How to protect your data from online Fraudsters!

Everybody loves freebies, but do you know that freebies could sometimes put you through unnecessary stress, perhaps even heart attack if your phone is compromised? What I’m trying to say is if you use free Wi-Fi to access sensitive information on your smart phone, your phone could be compromised. Public places such as coffee shop and airport are some of the most common places where people connect to free WI-FI because they are trying to save data on their phone.

Does this mean that you cannot use an unsecured Wi-Fi? Yes, you can via VPN which stands for virtual private network. There are based, service apps that help with secured data on your phone and they are quite affordable.

On the other hand, if you think you don’t need a VPN then make sure that you don’t sign into a bank website, your credit card company’s website and even your email account. If at all you’re going to check your email the first thing to do is to look at the address bar to make sure it’s the correct address. The website should come up with HTTPS and not HTTP, it’s an indication that you’re logging in to a secure connection. There should be a padlocked symbol next to the URL if this indication does not exist, it simply means that the connection is not secure.

One of the worst nightmare for anyone is to find out an unauthorised person has access to your:

  • Email account
  • Bank details
  • Credit card details
  • Sensitive information
  • Pictures
  • Videos

This is one of the worst thing that could ever happen to anyone, especially in this digital age, but then it’s pretty common, mobile devices are referred to as smartphones and yes no doubt they are really smart with the things they do for us, but you also need to be aware that Hackers are also becoming smarter.

One of the major mistakes we tend to make in the name of convenience is to have the same password for multiple websites, this is very dangerous. You must create different passwords for different websites and then use one of the services that store all the different passwords for you and then you log in to this various websites through this service automatically. This will create the convenience you crave which pushes you to use a single password on multiple website in the first place.

If the worst should happen and your phone is hacked then the Hacker will have access to all the websites you have an account with, it’s vital you have a unique password, doesn’t mean it’s completely safe but it’s some form of safety measure.  The saying, “It’s better to be safe than be sorry is extremely useful when it comes to our data.



How to protect your data from internet Fraudsters

Have you noticed any changes to your smart phone lately do you think that your phone is performing at a very low performance? If this is the case, it’s a sign that your phone might have been hacked. Timing is everything is an old saying, but is still very much useful in today’s world. Have you noticed delays when:

  • Dialling a number
  • Checking your voicemails
  • Sending and receiving text messages

Paying more attention to your phone functionality is one of the ways to do damaged control in case your phone has been compromised.  The fast paced world we live in now means we have more things competing for the twenty four hours that we are all entitled to but ensuring that your phone is secured from Hacker should be paramount.

The worst nightmare for, you will be to find out that somebody has an unauthorised access to the following information:

  • Your videos
  • Your phone contact list
  • Your documents
  • Your email

If the hacker is using a key logger he or she will be able to monitor every keystroke you type on your phone’s keyboard which means revealing:

  • Your passwords
  • Your personal information
  • Your credit card information
  • Your bank information
  • And other sensitive documents.

One of the easiest ways for Hackers to have an unauthorised access to your phone is if you click the weird link embedded in a text message. The link comes as a disguise like a text message you normally receive from people you know such as parents, friends, or colleagues and because text messages are part of our daily activities, something we do constantly we never really take our time to check the authenticity of these text messages. So if you click on the link in a text messages your smart phone will be corrupt and access could be given to the person on the other end who might eventually take over your device.

You need to train yourself to make sure that any time you receive a text message, First things is to establish that it’s coming from a reliable source. If you get a text message from someone you don’t know and ask you to click and view a picture or to watch a funny video, you shouldn’t unless you are hundred percent sure that it’s coming from a reliable source.

One of the main things you can do to prevent easy unauthorised access to your phone is to enable the multi factor authentication feature, companies like Facebook, Google and major banks do have a multi factor authentication feature.



How to avoid data exposure to Hackers!

How to avoid data exposure to Hackers!

Are you knowledgeable about of how to protect yourself in this digital age? You will agree with me that your private information, be it text messages, phone calls or emails are not protected from hackers. Technology evolves every day so it’s quite imperative that you learn how to protect your data from hackers. If you are worried that your phone might have been hacked then you’ve come to the right place for help. In this article I will show you how to protect your information from hackers.

Whether you have an iPhone or an Android phone or any other type of phone these tips will help you to discover if your smart phone has been hacked and you will also learn how to prevent this from happening in the future.

The first thing to study is if your battery gets drained quickly, then it will mean that there is an unauthorised app running in the background which could serve as a spy from cyber criminals. Although your battery getting drain quickly might be an issue with the software, if this is the case, then the best thing is to take your phone to the phone shop for a check-up.

The second thing is if your phone keeps shutting down automatically or if your phone starts an app or dial a random number this could be a hacker being in control of your phone. It’s good to establish as soon as possible if your phone has a technical fault or has been hacked.

The third thing is your phone is constantly warm or hot without much usage, it’s another sign that there could be an unidentified app running in the background and overheating is a sign of the phone being overuse. Check to make sure that you haven’t got unauthorised apps running in the background, if you do uninstalled such apps. If problem persists then it could be that your phone has been hacked.

The fourth thing is an unknown number in your recent call log, another sign that someone is tampering with your phone you must constantly keep an eye on your recent call log to ensure that someone is not screening your calls.

The fifth thing is being unable to control your phone such as having a problem turning it on or off.  You are also unable to control simple apps like brightness on the camera, a sign that hacker might have taken over your phone. You must make sure that you have control over your phone, if there is anything unusual not working then it’s time to do more investigation just to make sure that your phone has not been compromised.

If Hacker gain access to your phone, the first thing they will do most likely do is to gain control. They will disable certain if not all controls. These are some of the things to look out for if you are concerned that your phone might have been hacked, the early you discover the better it will be to do damaged control.



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