Some of the best Android apps for productivity

Android apps for productivity

8 Android apps for productivity

This technology age has provided us with many tools at our disposal that we can use to improve our productivity. Technology now provides new opportunities for professional and non-professional alike to plan their lives down to the minute at a reasonable time. There are tons of apps that will help you to plan your life and connect with others, such as office colleagues to work on various projects.

These Android apps for productivity will help you to refine your lifestyle and increase productivity. There are apps that are quite good for meditation. They will help to relief you of stress and offer peace of mind. There are other apps that will help you to invest your spare change from purchases which will grow to become something tangible over time.  There other apps that will help you to track your spending, thereby being able to monitor your finances to avoid sinking into a financial hole.

Below are Android apps for productivity that you should consider installing on your Device

1 Earnin

Earnin is a must have app because you are able to leverage your paycheck to get access to cash quicker and easier. The company behind this app is trying to redefine the way customers deals with money matters. They offer help about how their customers can have access to cash whenever it is needed. The main aim of this app is to help you to avoid bank charges.


  1. Headspace

Are you aware that meditation offers both physical and mental benefits? If you have been thinking about getting into meditation for the first time, but you are confused about how to go about it then headspace, will get you started. On the other hand, it’s also the right app for someone who has been meditating for a while. This app helps to clear your head make sure your life is less stressful through the power of meditation.


Rescue time

If you want to be more productive than ever? Do you want details about how you spend your time daily? Rescue time is a paid app and  can help you to learn more about your own behaviour. The app will suggests necessary adjustments to become more productive. It also comes with a website blocking feature if you’re keen on being extremely Focus regarding your workload.



  1. Acorn

One of the wisest moves about your finances is to consistently invest spare change. Acorn will help you to achieve this financial dreams by helping you to invest round up purchases from your credit and debit cards. You also have the options to set up recurring Investments to make your life much easier as well. Think about doing this for the next 5 years and watch this change grow into something big.



  1. Sideline

There are people who have different phone numbers for different reasons, one could be for their privacy whilst the other might be for business purposes.  Sideline is the answer because it helps you to organise your communication lines by directing them to either your customers or business partners.

  1. Dropbox

This is a cloud storage, it will help you to organise your folders, therefore, not only serves as a class storage, but also offer the convenience of getting a file you need as soon as possible.  The benefits of Dropbox are:

  • Cloud storage
  • File synchronisation
  • Client software



  1. TickPick

We’re living at a time where so many things are competing for our time on a daily basis. It’s good to wind down from time to time to regain strength and energy. One of the ways to wind down is to go to an event. TickPick will help you to get tickets for the events you’re interested in and won’t have to deal with any hidden fees.




  1. Deezer

Gone are the days whereby we have to buy a CD because of one or two songs we like. Deezer is one of the music streaming app that has been around for some time. You’ll gain access to over 73 million tracks. There are also other audio content like podcasts. Deezer will also offer you exclusives and curated recommendations. There are both free and premium versions.




These Android apps for productivity ranges from relaxation to Meditation to time management, productivity and Investment. You’ll agree that they more less cover the basics offer human needs. One of the main things about this tech age is being able to find quick solutions to our daily problems.



Author: Richmond Ball

Samsung Galaxy Tab is published by Richard Lawal Richard Lawal. Learn more about

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